What is a useful homeopathic symptom?

When we take a case, we want to find a remedy. A part of the process is to identify symptoms that will help us to individualize the treatment of our client. The client relates symptoms to help us, but we must evaluate them to choose those that are homeopathic and useful in our search. What these symptoms are and how to identify them will be discussed with case examples.

Polly Millet
Polly Millet, RN, MSN, CCH

Polly Millet, RN, MSN, CCH is a graduate of the Florida Academy of Classical Homeopathy and a nationally certified homeopath. She is a retired Nurse Practitioner and Nursing educator with 40 years of experience in classroom, online and clinical instruction in a variety of settings, including psychiatry, obstetrics, pediatrics and general hospital units. She has enjoyed many years of mentoring students and graduates, both nurses and new and aspiring homeopaths. She worked with the Council for Homeopathic Certification during the transition to the new certification exam, and reads cases for those seeking certification under the “old rules” of the CHC. She is the past President of the Florida Homeopathic Society, a non-profit organization that promotes homeopathic education and produces an annual conference. She consults with those interested in homeopathy in Central Florida.  Polly supervises HSI students enrolled in the Clinical and Advanced Studies courses.

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Barbara Seideneck