Case Analysis in April with Anne Schadde HP (Germany)

Anne really enjoyed working on HSI student cases, and is inspired to come back. She said:
“It was a great pleasure for me to work with HSI students on such well elaborated student case reports and point out the common thread that runs through the entire patient history. In the differentiations of various remedies, the suggestions for prescriptions, and the determination of dosage, it was evident that the students had received excellent and sound training in homeopathy.”
And this is what our students said about their experience:
…match the essence of the person and the remedy…
The Zoom session with Anne Schadde was very helpful!! I would definitely love to have her back for more. I am not taking chronic cases yet but I was very impressed with the thought process that Anne used and her wisdom in choosing different remedies. She paints a picture of how to match the essence of the person and the remedy in a new way for me. Again, I don’t have a ton to share since I’m not doing this yet but it was very helpful to think about the potency and frequency the way that she described. – Aimee V. HSI-101
It helps me just to hear other students present their cases
I really enjoyed Anne Schadde so much! I was thrilled that she worked my case study, and I am very pleased with what she came up with. I learned a lot from my case and the two student cases that followed. I thought, this was a great help. It helps me just to hear other students present their cases as well. Thanks to everyone involved in making this happen! – Jane D. HSI-202 Student
…the pathology is not you, which is what leads to healing
I really liked Anne Schadde’s webinar! I found her comments were peppered with some really great gems, and I really liked how she brought things back to the Organon. I also really appreciated her perspective on how we’re identified with our symptoms and that the remedies help to break that identification, realizing on a deep level that the pathology is not you, which is what leads to healing. I found that very Gurdjieffian – a really good insight! – Doug D. HSI-102 Student
…appreciate her confidence in identifying remedies that seem so very obvious to her
I really enjoyed the time with Anne. I appreciate her confidence in identifying remedies that seem so very obvious to her. I yearned, when she mentioned going to India to study and being in a group discussing cases and remedies. I learned that at times higher potencies can be administered more frequently. Please have Anne back! – Tracie E. HSI-101 Student
…sharing her lifetime experience and pass her knowledge
I really liked Anne Schadde offering her insights into students’ cases. I would like following up on the cases already done, and seeing how Anne would suggest managing them. It would be another great opportunity for the HSI students to get together and discuss the cases seeing how they evolve. I think we would all benefit from it. Thank you for offering this meeting. Anne mentioned that she’d love to keep sharing her lifetime experience and pass her knowledge to the next generation of homeopaths. I’d be happy and honored to be able to learn from her and I’m sure other students feel the same. – Alicja P.S. HSI-301, Advanced Clinical Study
Great reminders of some important basics!
I liked this session with Anne Schadde tremendously, and would love to have Anne back for more. I think the most beneficial thing I learned was to be careful and not dismiss a remedy that looks like a great fit, the best one, only because I think the client is missing one important symptom. This could be my misinterpretation of a symptom. Anne helped with focusing in on what is important. Pay close attention to that and don’t get lost in the story. Always remember to focus on what is Srange Rare and Peculiar or not the normal and not on what is common. Great reminders of some important basics! Pay close attention to what the client is telling you and what the symptoms are showing you. REALLY know your remedies and do pay attention to your gut pleasing feeling when choosing a remedy.
I truly learned a great deal, throughly enjoyed seeing Anne work, enjoyed listening to the other student cases as I learned a great deal, was impressed with everyone, and especially appreciated Anne’s skills where she could glean the important parts of a case and come up with which remedy is best, based on her knowledge and experience and what feels right about the case. Thank you so much for organizing and all the support – Tracey Duncan, CHom HSI-301, Advanced Clinical Studies