Excerpted from the book “Keynotes and Characteristics” by H. C. Allen
- Persons of light complexion; find, dry, skin; pale face; weakly, with lax muscles.
- Constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition, not because food is lacking in quality or in quantity, but from imperfect assimilation (Bar. c., Calc.); oversensitive, physically and mentally.
- Scrofulous, rachitic children with large heads; open fontanelles and sutures; much sweating about the head (lower than Cal.) which must be kept warm by external covering (Sanic.); distended abdomen; weak ankles; slow in learning to walk.
- Great weariness and debility; wants to lie down.
- Nervous debility; exhaustion with erythism; from hard work and close confinement; may be overcome by force of will.
- Restless, fidgety, starts at least noise.
- Anxious, yielding, fainthearted.
- Mental labor very difficult; reading and writing fatigue, cannot bear to think.
- Ailments: caused by suppressed foot-sweat (Cup., Graph., Psor.); exposing the head or back to any slight draught of air; bad effects of vaccination, especially abscesses and convulsions (Thuja); chest complaints of stonecutters with total loss of strength.
- Want of vital heat, always chilly, even when taking active exercise (Led., Sep.).
- Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of glands, cervical, axillary, parotid, mammary, inguinal, sebaceous; malignant, gangrenous.
- Silicea has a wonderful control over the suppurative process – soft tissue, periosteum or bone – maturing abscesses when desired or reducing excessive suppuration (affecting chiefly the soft tissues, Calend. , Hep. ).
- Children are obstinate, headstrong, cry when spoken kindly to (Iod.).
- Chronic sick headaches, since some severe disease of youth (Psor.); ascending from nape of neck to the vertex, as if coming from the spine and locating in one eye, especially the right (left, Spig.); < draught of air or uncovering the head; > pressure and wrapping up warmly (Mag. m., Stron.); > profuse urination.
- Constipation: always before and during menses (diarrhoea before and during menses, (Am. c., Bov.); difficult, as from inactivity of rectum; with great straining, as if rectum was paralyzed; when partly expelled, recedes again (Thuja).
- Faeces remain a long time in the rectum.
- Nipple is drawn in like a funnel (Sars.).
- Night walking; gets up while asleep, walks about and lies down again (Kali br.).
- Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates (Graph., Hep., Merc., Petr.).
- Crippled nails on fingers and toes (Ant. c.).
- Takes cold from exposure of feet (Con., Cup.).
- Sweat of hands, toes, feet and axillae; offensive.
- Intolerable, sour, carrion-like odor of the feet, without perspiration, every evening.
- Fistula lachrymalis; ingrowing toe-nails (Mag. p. a., Mar. v.); panaritium; blood boils; carbuncles; ulcers of all kinds; fistulae, painful, offensive, high spongy edges, proud flesh in them; fissura ani; great pain after stool.
- Desire to be magnetized, which > (Phos.).
- Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies from the tissues; fish bones, needles, bone splinters.