As spring comes along with the large variety of perennial flowers beginning to bloom, I think of how their roots have lasted and grown, keeping them strong and flourishing throughout their years.
I think of how some plants serve the purpose to be beautiful to look at, while others can heal and soothe. As a Homeopath, I have learned that their uniqueness and healing power have unlimited potential.

My healing roots reach back to my inspiring great grandmother who came from Germany in the 1880’s and settled near Detroit, Michigan. She was a Mid-wife, and a healer who used homeopathic remedies, like Arnica to help her fellow German community. From early childhood on, my mother spoke of how people would pay her in food, as well as repairs on her home. My great grandmother was said to be generous with her time helping many and turned no one away.
I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to understand how my roots were planted in healing and being of service now. With my interest set on homeopathy, I found the formal education at HSI that provided the foundation to establish a successful practice. Following my homeopathic heritage has been an important and perfect path for me.
I have asked myself, if with these healing roots, my path was predetermined like it is for the flowers in the wild or the garden which heal and soothe. What brought you to homeopathy? What helped determine your purpose? What are your healing roots? Is there a remedy that you use often? Have you used Arnica? If you have a story to share, please let us know at our feed back page.
Arnica Montana, pictured here, is a hardy perennial, the number one soother in first aid cases.
It’s used for shock, injuries like concussion, bruising, sprains, after surgical trauma, an excellent remedy used in labor, or when someone does not recover after injury and trauma. The injured person that needs Arnica is known to resist help and “sends the doctor away.”