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Beating the Flu Naturally
This article appeared in Healing Path Magazine – Fort Collins, Colorado You boost your immune system with vitamin C. You increase your exercise, dress warmly,
Homeopathy on the Farm – A Case of a Pet Chicken with a Broken Leg
Homeopathy is a wonderful medicine for a wide range of problems, not just for our family but for our animals as well. We enjoy living on a small farm and raise various livestock and pets. Raising animals from birth to grave (or table) can be very rewarding but also heartbreaking. When you live in a rural area you have to be prepared to deal with sudden midnight births, infections, predators, and freak accidents on your own.
On the Horizon
Can you guess the homeopathic remedy? Low, slow, and mystical. She woke to a blanket of white creeping over the hills, the kind of October
A Cold Wind
Can you guess the homeopathic remedy? There’s a moment in every budding reporter’s life when you just know—this is the one. That one story only
Student Responses to Anne Schadde Zoom session with students
Case Analysis in April with Anne Schadde HP (Germany) Anne really enjoyed working on HSI student cases, and is inspired to come back. She said:“It
Our Healing Roots
As spring comes along with the large variety of perennial flowers beginning to bloom, I think of how their roots have lasted and grown, keeping
Happy April!
April will mean different things to different people, but all these things tend to have one thing in common: the season of new beginnings. The
What are you celebrating in January 2022?
After celebrating with champagne on New Year’s Eve, January 1st is known to be National Hang-over day, and may not only call for Bloody Mary’s.
30 Years at the Homeopathy School International (HSI)
Amazing how it has been 30 years of continuous progress at the Homeopathy School since that beautiful fall day, when 23 enthusiastic students met for
Little Boy with a Big Tummy ache
The homeopathic remedy Antimonium crudum (Ant-c.) is made from native Sulphide of Antimony. Children that may need this remedy can be very picky about what they eat, very thin and sickly looking. The remedy has a strong affinity for the stomach and digestive tract and is often used for digestive complaints like nausea or indigestion after overeating (like during the holidays). The stomach complaints of Ant-c are often accompanied by headache and loss of appetite.
Homeopathy – The Road Less Traveled
written by Debbie Lamb Many people are familiar with Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken, which narrates a traveler’s thoughts as he ponders which
Anne Schadde: Homeopathy on Hold for a Paradigm Shift
What is a paradigm? Jörg Wichmann writes in his article “Beyond the Evidence Trap”: “A paradigm is a set of ideological principles and views on
What is a useful homeopathic symptom?
When we take a case, we want to find a remedy. A part of the process is to identify symptoms that will help us to
A Combat-Injured Vet Finds Homeopathy
After returning from Iraq in late 2004, Ginny Sieben spent years receiving world class care from the Minneapolis VA as she recovered from her combat-related
Dusty – A Happy Dog Suffering from Fear and Pain
Behavioral clues in a client who cannot speak, like a pet, can reveal a lot, especially about fear and pain. Remember what is most important
A Unique Case of Ignatia Amara
A 28 year- old male contacted me for help with a case of severe Insomnia that had been plaguing him for the previous 2 months.
FDA Revising Homeopathic Medicine Standards
URGENT! Speak up! Don’t Let the FDA Restrict Your Access to Homeopathic Remedies! Homeopathic medicines are used by millions of Americans and their kids. These
“Personal Evolution Model”, a symbiotic relationship of psychology and homeopathy
In this book, centered on Mahesh Gandhi’s Personal Evolution Model (PEM), the many aspects of homeopathic and psychological work come together in a beautiful unified
Treating ADHD with Homeopathy
by Sameer Vermani Wikipedia says that Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly studied and diagnosed mental disorder in children and adolescents. According
Two hot homeopathic topics, two captivating new books
First a book on Vaccines: Vaccines: A Reappraisal Hardcover – September 19, 2017 by Richard Moskowitz MD “This book is a masterpiece and a must-read