HSI Blog

Kent’s Conversion to Homeopathy

Although he wasn’t very demonstrative, Kent adored his wife. He was very much affected when she became ill in 1878. Neither he nor any of his most competent allopathic or eclectic colleagues had the slightest success with the asthenia, weakness, persistent insomnia, and anemia, which obliged her to keep to the bed for months on

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Deep Healing with Homeopathy

Energy Medicine for Mind and Body by Barbara Seideneck, CCH, RSHom (NA) How can deep healing be experienced? What does it mean to be truly healed at the core? Is healing achieved, when the headaches, or chronic bladder infections, or the allergies are gone? When sleep and appetite return, skin eruptions disappear, or maybe when

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A Case by Erastus C. Case, MD A widow, slender, dark hair and eyes; a nervous fretful individual. Facial neuralgia, beginning above the right temple, extends downward over the face, especially below the eye and on the right side of the nose. Face is sensitive to touch with the pain. Slight pressure will bring on

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Homeopathy for Everyone

Acute vs. Chronic Homeopathic Treatment Barbara Seideneck, CHom, CCH The absolutely reassuring factor about homeopathic treatment is that homeopathic remedies are natural and non-toxic. Homeopathic remedies are available over the counter in most health food stores and many pharmacies. Their reputation of being harmless extends the invitation to “try” homeopathic remedies by going to the

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Happy Holidays !

Wishing you a delightful Holiday Season and a Peaceful and Healthy New Year! “These days you frequently hear the expression “the war against” this or that… There is the war against drugs, the war against crime, the war against terrorism, the war against cancer, the war against poverty and so on. The war against disease has

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Curing a Cataract

A case by Erastus E. Case, MD A wife and mother, aged forty-seven years, has cortical cataracts in both eyes, most advanced in the left eye. She is scrofulous (mycobacterial cervical lymphadenitis), dirty looking, unhealthy skin, and is subject to rheumatic pains in the joints. The menses are late and scanty. The left side of

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A Case of Nightmares

American Journal of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Nov. 1868, Philadelphia Dr. Van Tagen, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania February 5, 1868: Lee McK., aged 4 years, a light-complexioned, blue-eyed, sandy-haired boy, previous to this date, for more than two years was disturbed every night (so the mother of the child positively asserted), with the most horrid nightmares. The child

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Case by Erastus C. Case, MD A gentle, modest, auburn haired woman of forty-four years has suffered from cerebro-spinal menningitis, to which Gelsemium seemed specific. The fever and pains have been gone for a week, leaving her in a pitiful shameless erotic mania, during which she has been almost sleepless and growing steadily more violent

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Harassing Dry Cough

Published by the Central New York Homeopathic Medical Society (Case # 230) A Case by Edward Loomis, MD September 1867 E.M. L., in the 16th year of his age; tall and slim; growing rapidly; pale face, light blue eyes, dark brown hair, active temperament, and in active business (work), requiring at times, violent running and

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A case cured with Phosphorus

Published by the Central New York Homeopathic Medical Society Case of T.L. Brown March 13, 1869, Binghamton, NY On the 24th of September 1854, I was called to see Mrs. E.B., age 20, blue eyes, light hair, short in statue, thin. When six month along in her first pregnancy, she was taken one day, while

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The Basic Code of the Universe

July 2014 Newsletter Massimo Citro, MD. I couldn’t help but love this book, every bit of it. Be prepared for one “Wow” and “Ah-ha” moment after another. For those interested, or those immersed in the study of homeopathy and anyone skeptical about energetic medicine this mind- altering book is a great read. The topic is

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A Case of Incapacitating Menses

Faculty Case – Homeopathy School International January 1994, Boulder, Colorado “I have had these terrible periods all my life, probably since I was 13 years old. My mother used to take me to so many doctors. We drove long distances to go see yet another doctor. Nobody had anything to offer.” This petite 40-year old

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Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford