Little Boy with a Big Tummy ache
The homeopathic remedy Antimonium crudum (Ant-c.) is made from native Sulphide of Antimony. Children that may need this remedy can be very picky about what they eat, very thin and sickly looking. The remedy has a strong affinity for the stomach and digestive tract and is often used for digestive complaints like nausea or indigestion after overeating (like during the holidays). The stomach complaints of Ant-c are often accompanied by headache and loss of appetite.
Video: Changing from C to LM Potencies
Potency and potency protocols are the preoccupation of all beginning homeopaths, and there are many technical details elucidated by experienced homeopaths. This webinar will compare
Anne Schadde: Homeopathy on Hold for a Paradigm Shift
What is a paradigm? Jörg Wichmann writes in his article “Beyond the Evidence Trap”: “A paradigm is a set of ideological principles and views on
Antidotes and Interferences
The idea of antidotes is a controversial topic in homeopathy. In my practice, they are very very real, and I will present some clear cases
What is a useful homeopathic symptom?
When we take a case, we want to find a remedy. A part of the process is to identify symptoms that will help us to
A Combat-Injured Vet Finds Homeopathy
After returning from Iraq in late 2004, Ginny Sieben spent years receiving world class care from the Minneapolis VA as she recovered from her combat-related
Video: Cell Salts for Common Complaints
Tune in to this zoom session webinar to learn about Cell Salts, a simplified form of homeopathic treatment developed over 140 years ago by German
Dusty – A Happy Dog Suffering from Fear and Pain
Behavioral clues in a client who cannot speak, like a pet, can reveal a lot, especially about fear and pain. Remember what is most important
Webinar: The Vital Sensation – Part 2
During this Part 2 session, Jürgen shared different experiences on treating acute conditions with homeopathy. By opening the space for individual dynamics and allowing the
A Unique Case of Ignatia Amara
A 28 year- old male contacted me for help with a case of severe Insomnia that had been plaguing him for the previous 2 months.
Webinar: The Vital Sensation – Part 1
During this session, Jürgen shared different experiences on treating acute conditions with homeopathy. By opening the space for individual dynamics and allowing the patient to