April will mean different things to different people, but all these things tend to have one thing in common: the season of new beginnings. The beginning of spring may vary with location but what we see here in Colorado are fresh buds blooming, animals waking up and baby animals being born. The earth seems to come to life again during this time of the year.
A Spring to Remember
Colleen Fee, CHom, OMC
One beautiful spring morning, Mary had a little lamb… and as a surprise the little lamb had a very small brother born just a minute later. Mary was excited to see her prized ewe deliver champion stock babies. She bred as well as showed her sheep for their wool quality and had won many championship awards. Mary also loved her flock and created beautiful yarns with texture and color. The little lambs were born as she watched for any signs of difficulty for the mother or her new babies. Mary noticed that the babies were small and were not breathing well. She dried off the babies and kept warm which made the older brother kick off the towel. Both newborns laid very still with shallow breathing. Mary called her veterinarian who was out on other calls and could not respond fast enough.

Mary had been a new homeopathic client of mine and had experienced great benefits for her own health challenges. She called me and asked if Homeopathy could help her lambs who looked like they were dying. I asked her to tell me everything she could to find the effective remedy that could help quickly.
All I heard was that the lambs were cold and hardly breathing, with very little response to their mother or Mary. This was all the information I had. The first remedy to come to mind was Carbo Vegetabilis, checking Morrison’s keynotes, I was sure of a place to start.
Mary came to my office and picked up the remedy in pellet form, gave it to her lambs and within a few minutes the older lamb picked his head up and looked around. An hour went by and both lambs stood and nursed for the first time. Mary called with the good news and was in tears with gratitude for what homeopathy had done for new flock members. Three years later Mary called to report that the smallest lamb brother had just won National Champion for his wool at the Denver Stock Show. This is a case I will never forget, and I will always appreciate the experiences being a Homeopath has given me.
Carbo Vegetetabilis is a great remedy for coma, weakness and collapse, when the patient is cold, but still wants fresh air.

One very beautiful and peculiar little flower that likes to pop out in the early spring, is the Crocus. Like hundreds of other flowers this is a homeopathic remedy used for many conditions.
Creative Accelerated Learning at the School
With over 15 years in Distance Education HSI has, over time, developed an accelerated learning style. The program offers the opportunity to complete the hours required for CHC certification in an easily achievable time frame. Prompt personal feed-back on student assignments, on casework, and scheduling support give our students the convenience to move through the program efficiently and successfully.
Practitioner Certificate Program with Advanced Clinical Studies -1,000 Hours in 5 Courses
Each of the Foundations and Clinical Application courses (HSI 101 through HSI 202) are completed within 6 months or less. The Advanced Clinical Studies course (HSI 301) is scheduled to be completed within a year.
The program hones the clinical skills vital to a professional practice. During their clinical work our students receive personal case supervision and partake in a variety of case analysis techniques demonstrated by renowned homeopaths. A specially designed Study Guide prepares our graduates for the national exam with the Council for Homeopathic Certification.
Now Accepting Transfer Students for Advanced Clinical Studies
If you wish to acquire clinical hours and have completed 500 documented hours of formal study in Classical Homeopathy, we welcome your application.