Posts about Newsletter

Colorado Law Now Protects Alternative Practitioners

HSI Newsletter August 2013 Colorado became the ninth state to pass a safe harbor health freedom law. On June 5, 2013 Governor John Hickenlooper signed into law the Colorado Natural Health Consumer Protection Act (SB 13-215). The groundbreaking legislation was sponsored by Senator Cheri Jahn and State Representative Joann Ginal. Access to natural health practitioners

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A Bear of a Backache

HSI Newsletter March 2013 Submitted by Elizabeth Thomas, CHom, L.Ac., MSOM, Dipl OM On first glance at James as he walked into my office, it was obvious he was in an intense amount of pain.  His eyes were clouded and strained, and he was continually pushing against the left side of his chest with his hands.  The

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Love and Homeopathy

HSI Newsletter February 2013 A mighty pain to love it is, And ’tis a pain that pain to miss; But of all pains, the greatest pain It is to love, but love in vain. ~ Abraham Cowley Love is one of the most complex and intense emotions known to humankind. Through literature, poetry, music and

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Book Release!

HSI Newsletter December 2012 The Providential Doberman: Lessons Learned From a Rescue Dog Jeanie Fullerton, CHom, an HSI graduate, is the author. Enjoy the synopsis below from the back cover of the book and click the “Read a Preview” link to get a sneak peak! Back Cover  Providence (prov’i dens), n. 1. the foreseeing care and guardianship of

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A Clinic Day in Ubud

HSI Newsletter February 2012 Submitted by Soma Devi Glick, CHom, D.O.M., L.Ac It’s 10 AM on Monday morning and I just pulled up into the small yard of “Bumi Sehat”, the birthing clinic where I’ve been treating the local children of Ubud, Bali since October 2005. Ubud is about one hour’s drive from my house

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Spider Bite Mania

HSI Newsletter August 2011 Imagine, you are waiting in line at the grocery store and a woman in front of you can’t stand still for a second. She jumps a foot off the ground several times, then all of a sudden turns around and lunges towards you. What would you do? I took a step

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Bites and Stings – Keynotes

Apis: Rosy puffy swellings Achy joints that are better with cold Restless Sensitive to touch Better with motion Thirstless, but worse with water Craves milk, which makes it better Carbolic acid: Terrible pains coming and going Prickling burning sensation Septic conditions Craves stimulants and smoking. Ledum (marsh tea): Cold and blue Better with cold Hypericum:

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We Got Dimme Back – A dog-lover’s cure with homeopathy

HSI Newsletter July 2011 Newsletter article submitted by Suzanne Pierce, an HSI student. Dimsum (or Dimmie) — our 14-year-old Shih Tzu – has always been a loving, affectionate, quiet little guy, following me around everywhere. Last spring I noticed Dimmie’s changing behavior. He didn’t sleep through the night, couldn’t stand on his back legs and

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Beat the Holiday Blues

HSI Newsletter December 2010 While it’s so much fun to celebrate with family and friends, the holidays can also pose a bit of a challenge. After shopping, cleaning house, decorating and cooking, a lot is already accomplished. Without time to rest from excitement and hurry we keep going – getting into pies, ice cream, coffee,

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Ruta and Rest – A Horse-Owner’s Cure with Homeopathy

HSI Newsletter October 2010 Newsletter article submitted by Nina, Montana, USA I use homeopathic remedies on my horses, and always marvel at the results I get. Anything from a chronic cough to an allergic reaction to lameness has been resolved with the help of homeopathic remedies on all of my horses. My horse, Boom, is

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Lac caninum, Hormones, and Body Image

Lac caninum is a homeopathic remedy made from dog's milk. Themes of Lac caninum include loyalty, low self esteem, fear, submissiveness, abuse, aggression, and body image disorders. Low self-esteem, a feeling of being inferior to others, aversion to self, or self-loathing are strong symptoms of this remedy.

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One Book For Under A Tree

The idea of a therapeutic guide is to find practical and efficient ways to select a homeopathic remedy for practitioners predominantly working in a busy, clinical environment. This book has come from years of working in an African context especially in rural environments where the types of cases seen and the health challenges of people...

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Arnica in my Backpack

My husband and I were on a bike packing trip in 2021 on the Great Allegheny Passage bike trail that runs 150 miles from Cumberland, Maryland to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Because we were biking from one bed and breakfast to the next, I had all my remedies with me on the bike. My helmet hung from...

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A poem by Sara Anderson Grandpa loved a good steak,But it made his big toe ache.It throbbed and was worse when he moved,No way could his foot be used. Grandma wanted to cheer him,She picked a rose to uplift him.The smell made him sick he said,Remove this rose from my bed! What can be done...

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Memorial Day – Help for Those Who Grieve

The last Monday in May is set apart to honor those who have lost their life in service to our country. Memorial day is a day to remember those who served in the military and paid the ultimate price. Homeopathy can help ease the grief of those who have lost a loved one, whether it...

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Plant Sources for Homeopathic Remedies

Jürgen Weiland, a homeopath in Bonn, Germany is also a passionate photographer, and over the past years he has used this skill to approach, identify and document the plant kingdom. His plant database is published on:  The Photographer Jürgen lives and practices homeopathy in Bonn, Germany, where he has been running a clinic since...

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What’s Love Got to Do with It?

What's Love Got to Do with It? You may recognize these lyrics from Tina Turner's song which was released in 1984 and became her best-selling single. She goes on to sing, "Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?" And what does homeopathy have to do with that? As homeopaths are apt to...

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China Officinalis

A poem by Jill Dema, HSI student In the realm of remedies, China Officinalis, Abbreviated as Chin, a healing apparatus. First proven in homeopathy’s tender embrace, A portrait of traits, a therapeutic grace. Introverted, intense, touchy, and idealistic, A soul attuned to the world, sensitive and mystic. Ideal for teenagers, excitable in the night, Walter...

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Why I am a student of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is fascinating! I was lucky enough to have been exposed to the wonders of homeopathy 12 years ago when my oldest son was a baby with chronic wheezing. Looking for a better solution than the cookie-cutter answers my pediatrician gave every week, I changed to a holistic pediatrician who didn’t let his ego get...

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Homestead Homeopathy

Living in rural SW Colorado, homeopathic remedies fit seamlessly into my daily country life. There’s a remedy for all that ails us – even for our fur babies!

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Homeopathy for Environmental Allergies

This overview of multiple trials aimed to confirm that homeopathy is not just a placebo effect. The design was the gold standard of studies – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multi-center study.

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Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford