HSI Newsletter December 2012
The Providential Doberman: Lessons Learned From a Rescue Dog
Jeanie Fullerton, CHom, an HSI graduate, is the author. Enjoy the synopsis below from the back cover of the book and click the “Read a Preview” link to get a sneak peak!
Back Cover
Providence (prov’i dens), n. 1. the foreseeing care and guardianship of God over His creatures. 2. (cap) God, esp. when conceived as omnisciently directing the universe and the affairs of man with wise benevolence. 3. a manifestation of divine care or direction. —Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language.
Little did we know when we brought “Lucky,” the abused and rejected Doberman, into our home the impact she would have on our lives. From an insecure, traumatized dog to a loyal and devoted friend, the journey was occasionally challenging but always joyous. We were made better people by inviting this little red waif into our home and hearts and letting her grow into Miley Anne Fullerton, PhD… Professional house Dog. I am forever grateful for the lessons she taught me, lessons that I will be able to use to the end of my life. By writing her story the hope is that she will not only inspire others to consider a rescue dog, but she will also be passing on to the world some of those life lessons she was here to teach. May the readers of her story be so blessed.