Arnica Montana is a hardy perennial, the number one soother in homeopathic first aid cases.
It’s used for shock, injuries like concussion, bruising, sprains, post-surgical trauma, an excellent remedy used in labor or when someone does not recover after injury and trauma. The injured person that needs Arnica is known to resist help and “sends the doctor away.”
Excerpted from the book “Keynotes and Characteristics” by H. C. Allen
- For the bad effects resulting from mechanical injuries; even if received years ago.
- Especially adapted to those who remain long impressed by even slight mechanical injuries.
- Sore, lame, bruised feeling all through the body, as if beaten; traumatic affections of muscles.
- Mechanical injuries, especially with stupor from concussion; incontinence;
- After injuries with blunt instruments (Symph.).
- Compound fractures and their profuse suppuration (pus) (Calend.).
- Concussions and contusions (bruises), results of shock or injury; with laceration of soft parts; prevents suppuration and septic conditions and promotes absorption.
- The person is nervous, cannot bear pain; whole body over-sensitive (Cham., Coff., Ign.).
- Everything on which he lies seems too hard; complains constantly of it and keeps moving from place to place in search of a soft spot (the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised, Bap., Pyr.; must move continually to obtain relief from pain, Rhus).
- Heat of upper body; coldness of lower.
- The face or head and face alone is hot, the body cool.
- Unconsciousness; when spoken to answers correctly but unconsciousness and delirium at once return (falls asleep in the midst of a sentence, Bap.).
- Says there is nothing the matter with him.
- Great fear of being touched or struck by persons coming near him.
- Cannot walk erect on account of a bruised sort of feeling in the pelvic region.
- Belching; eructations; foul, putrid, like rotten eggs.
- Soreness of parts after labor; prevents post-partum haemorrhage and puerperal complications.
- Retention or incontinence of urine after labor (Op.).