A case cured with Phosphorus

Published by the Central New York Homeopathic Medical Society
Case of T.L. Brown

March 13, 1869, Binghamton, NY

On the 24th of September 1854, I was called to see Mrs. E.B., age 20, blue eyes, light hair, short in statue, thin. When six month along in her first pregnancy, she was taken one day, while getting dinner, with severe pains in her stomach, appearing in paroxysms, continuing in the same form for three days.

In a few hours after leaving the stomach, the same kind of pains appeared in her left temple, extending to the eye, teeth, and side of the head. The character of the pains were like “sticking the parts with a knife,” being so severe as to make her wholly beside herself.

Severity of the pains seemed to be the great characteristic point to her case. For one year she had been under the care and treatment of three physicians, at different times, without relief – one homeopath and two allopath. I have no idea of the remedies she received from them. The birth or nursing of her child had no apparent influence in changing the nature of her pains.

The first remark she made to me was ” I have no faith you can relieve me.” I told her I would try. I gave her Phosphorus 30 to be taken one dose every six hours until relieved. The first dose relieved her of the pains entirely. Up to this day she has never experienced any similar pains.

Her health has continued good since that time, except every winter she has had a morning cough, with slight expectoration of mucus. In person she has always been thin and spare. Since her cure she has been mother of three more children, without any sign of the old pains in either her stomach or head.

HSI Staff

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Barbara Seideneck

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