Program Description
The Homeopathy School International (HSI) welcomes applications from anyone interested in the improvement of health through the study of Classical Homeopathy. Our engaged faculty provide a personalized educational experience leading to professional certification (CPHom) by HSI and a homeopathic career. With HSI’s flexible study schedule, you can begin the program at any time, study from any location and work on your own schedule.
Homeopathy education at HSI draws from a balanced blend of old and new, historical research and modern innovations. Experience personal support from CHC certified instructors and case supervisors while learning from lectures and focused webinars and by participating in elective zoom sessions. Enjoy attentive oversight with personal feedback from faculty on supervised case work and assignments. Observing the process over time of clinical cases will significantly advance your training in case management.
With over 1,000 hours of education in Classical Homeopathy, graduates of the school fulfill the theory and foundations of homeopathy requirements for National Board Certification (CCH) with the Council for Homeopathic Certification, including the required 500 hours of clinical training.
Founded in 1990 the school, a non-profit institution, is approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools, and is a member of the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH), the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH), and was a founding member of the Council of Homeopathic Schools and Colleges (CHSC).
Based at the foot of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, USA, HSI provides access to quality homeopathic education worldwide.
Our Philosophy
The Homeopathy School International’s philosophy recognizes the interrelationship of body, mind, psyche and spirit as well as the extraordinary healing effects of homeopathic treatment. Courses address physical and psychological aspects of healing in the pursuit of restoring a state of well-being and health.
The school’s curriculum is designed to support the acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed to practice homeopathy professionally and ethically. The program provides flexible and practical learning while stimulating creative thinking in relation to this gentle healing art. The faculty is committed to providing a supportive and stimulating learning experience.
The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health; that is the lifting and annihilation of the disease in its entire extend in the shortest, most reliable, and least disadvantageous way, according to clearly realizable principle.
––Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Founder of Homeopathy, from “The Organon”
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and ethical framework necessary to become proficient homeopaths. Through challenging academic study, comprehensive learning, and constructive mentorship, we aim to cultivate compassionate homeopathic healers.
- Improving health through classical homeopathy
- International perspectives on homeopathic practice
- World-wide access to comprehensive homeopathic education
- Virtual Learning supported by individualized instruction
- Studies with clinical cases and interactive supervision
- Culture of continuous improvement
- Relating to others with courtesy, politeness and kindness
- Embrace and support diversity, inclusion and equity
- Promote the highest standards of ethics, integrity and scholarship
Educational Objectives
- Articulate the philosophical, theoretical and historical foundations of homeopathy.
- Understand and state the symptom pictures for homeopathic Materia Medica (the remedies).
- Demonstrate the principles and methods of homeopathy through skilled casework.
- Record, analyze and manage cases effectively.
- Employ homeopathic reference tools to be prepared for a professional practice.
- Identify strategies for building a successful practice.
- Demonstrate ethical professional behavior.
School History

In 1990, the Classical Homeopathy Certificate Program was established as a branch of the Massage Therapy Institute of Colorado (USA). The original program, founded by Mark Manton and Barbara Seideneck, was approved by the State of Colorado and enrolled twenty-three students at the Denver, Colorado site. This program, one of the first modern homeopathy trainings offered in the United States, soon expanded from a one-year to three-year training.
Further development and expansion led to establishing the school as an independent institution. By September 1995 the school earned its non-profit status 501(c)(3). In 1996 the school moved to Boulder, Colorado, at the foot of the gorgeous Rocky Mountains.
The school’s Distance Education Program was established in 2002 in response to a growing demand for the availability of homeopathic education outside of Boulder, Colorado. Nationally and internationally recognized for excellence in homeopathic education, the Homeopathy School International (HSI) now offers study options to students worldwide. The school has graduated professional homeopaths since 1991.
I have been a professional student my whole adult life, so I feel that I have a lot of experience with which to compare my tenure at HSI. The classes are focused, well organized and taught in a way to be intellectually rigorous and stimulating. The program makes the study of homeopathy come to life, providing an excellent foundation to become a good practitioner. I can sincerely say that the two years at HSI yielded one of the most fulfilling learning opportunities I’ve ever had.
Advisory Council
The school’s advisory council provides recommendations for the continuing improvement and enrichment of the school’s educational programs. The council meets annually and includes homeopathic practitioners, students, alumni, and community members representing alternative healing modalities.
I have to admit that I was scared to attempt this at home, but thanks to your support, this turned out to be one of my best school experiences.
I can absorb the knowledge because of how the remedies are presented and cross referenced with skits, stories, quizzes and tests combined. This gives me a strong focus for my studies.
I was extremely pleased with my education at HSI and felt well-prepared to start my homeopathic practice. The valuable direction and feedback I received on my casework are what I try to pass on to my students.
I feel that Barbara Seideneck is a true definition of what it means to be a healer. She is nice, caring and knowledgable in homeopathy. I feel like she follows what a true homeopath should be: unpredjudice, understanding with the desire to help others. I hope I can cultivate and grow these traits!
The instructor’s love for homeopathy and her commitment to bringing it into the world is apparent. She conveys concepts clearly and ties in examples of interesting cases. She makes potentially difficult concepts easy to understand.
Great! Awesome! I enjoy the clear explanations, the process, the objectivity. I enjoy most that I feel I am learning!
It helped me immensely to watch everyone working on cases. I especially appreciate reviewing our own case studies.
Awesome instructors! Dorothy Simoni is amazing. She replies and grades so fast!
Support faculty have responded to my questions quickly and returned my assignments very promptly.
The teacher is a joy to be around. The humor she brings with her in-depth knowledge is brilliant. What a joy to be instructed by her.
So far I am enjoying the program and I feel that I am learning a lot. I have two Bachelor degrees, a Masters degree and much other education “under my belt” and this program in Homeopathy, in general, is the most enjoyable and rewarding learning experience I have ever had. Thanks!
The instructor is extremely knowledgeable about homeopathy and her enthusiasm and dedication to the profession is admirable. The examples she used from her own practice were very helpful. It is great to experience the clinical work and be involved in the actual selection of rubrics and remedies.
My teacher is wonderful and gentle with us. I feel I can easily ask her anything. I enjoy her examples of actual cases. They really paint a lasting picture and are a great learning tool for me.
You were instrumental in showing me a whole new way to view healing and I thank you for that.
I have really enjoyed the process of case supervision and got a lot out of it! I have valued your precision, guidance and insights. I feel different today compared to two years ago. You have been a huge piece of this. Thank you for all of your care.
I love the home study format – it enables me to study at my own pace. Great materials that follow the lectures – very understandable. The instructors are very engaging and interesting!
The video lessons were great! I forgot that I was sitting in my living room.
For me just seeing all these different cases is so valuable. I am so happy I took this Advanced Studies Program. I know it will make me a better homeopath.
[The module] was a great experience. I had the chance to study homeopathy in the easiest way. I enjoyed every single moment in studying and especially the repertory homework. I think that giving more time per module is a good idea.
I am so grateful that I have had this opportunity to learn homeopathy from these knowledgeable and good-hearted people.