Webinar: Columbines – Two Homeopathic Provings

Barbara Seideneck, CHom, CCH, Director of HSI

Colorado Columbines are showing their first leaves – spring has arrived in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Snow covered peaks bear witness to a record snowfall in the month of April 2016. With so much moisture we look forward to growing glaciers and an extra prolific wild flower season. Until we can admire the fields of blooming Columbines swaying in the breeze, there is this PowerPoint about the Columbine Provings which you can view and download:

View the Columbine audio/video presentation given by Barbara Seideneck at the Joint American Homeopathic Conference 2016.

For articles on provings by HSI, see this page.

Barbara Seideneck, CHom, CCH, Director of HSI

Barbara Seideneck, CHom, CCH, RSHom is the founder and director of HSI and is since 1997 nationally certified with the Council for Homeopathic Certification(CCH). Barbara has been teaching homeopathy since 1994 with emphasis on case taking, case analysis and case supervision. She has conducted provings of Amethyst, Aquilegia Vulgaris and Aquilegia Coerulea Columbines, Ayahuasca and Emerald. Barbara works in Loveland, Colorado and has served on the Case-Exam Committee of the CHC and the board of ACHENA (Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America).

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Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning is young.

Henry Ford